2022 Junior Adventure Camp
If kids knew making your own ice cream was this fun and easy, they would have started making it on their own a long time ago! Campers will enjoy this chilly, chemistry fun mixing in their favorite toppings/treats before delighting in their creation. RELAY RACES In the days before iPads and Mario Kart, kids enjoyed good old fashion neighborhood races. This delightful, and fun activity will be sure to keep all of our junior members laughing as they work together to cross the finish line first. Balancing an egg on a spoon, racing to complete a tic-tac-toe board or having to dress up are just some of the entertaining challenges our racers can expect. RUBBER DUCKIE RACES On your mark, get set, GO! Campers will have an opportunity to decorate and race their rubber duckie down the wild, white-water river between holes 17 and 18. Who has the fastest duckie at Glenwild? It’s too soon to tell but it’s bound to be one of our campers! PINE WOOD DERBY Everyone knows that Pinewood Derby time is all about the FUN! For many participants, the design of a Pinewood Derby’s car is more important than its speed. Campers will have the opportunity to build, decorate, and then race their cars against fellow friends. HIKING THE GLENWILD TRAILS The Glenwild trail system is one of the best in Park City. Campers will build up an appetite as they enjoy a leisurely hike from the tennis courts back to the clubhouse for lunch via the Glenwild Trail. SCAVENGER HUNT The thinking skills of our Glenwild campers will be put to the test as they navigate a special scavenger hunt around the club. Following the clues and working together will be the only way to navigate this challenge and delight in what awaits at the end. Clues and scaven ger hunts will be tailored to the specific age groups of our campers.
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