2023 Glenwild Golf Book
PACE OF PLAY/SIZE OF GROUPS Pace of play is a hot button topic at every club in the country, with Glenwild being no exception to the rule. Culturally we would like all Glenwild Members to be concerned with pace of play and be aware of their own pace. In order to reach this goal and have a club that is known for great pace of play, it’s important for all Members to understand what is expected and some of the issues that can cause a slow pace of play. Pace issues may be caused by groups that are too big, groups that are too small, and groups that are a perfect size with players not paying attention to their pace. In a perfect world, we would have only 4-somes on the golf course playing in 4 hours or less. However, the world and Glenwild are not perfect. We understand there will be singles, 2-somes, and at times 5-somes on the golf course. Glenwild would like to encourage players to play in 4-somes and during our peak times we will encourage/require smaller groups to pair up and create 4-somes. If you are playing in a 2-some during a peak time of day, you should expect to play at a 4-some pace as playing thru a large number of groups will not be an option. Glenwild will allow players to play in 5-somes and all 5-somes will be held to a strict 4 hour or less pace of play standard. All 5-some members taking more than 4 hours will lose their privilege to play in a 5-some. Allowing groups to play through on busy days will create pace of play issues. Each time a group is allowed to play thru there is approximately a five-minute delay to that group, and now every group behind them. With a group on each hole during peak times, there is simply no room or extra time and playing thru is not an option. In this case, each group needs to keep up with the group in front, not simply keep ahead of the group behind. On days when there are open gaps on the course, groups are expected to allow faster groups to play thru. The Glenwild Starters will be on the course assisting groups with pace of play. At times they may require you to allow a group to play thru. The Starters request must be honored. The golf course is here for the enjoyment of all our members and their guests and allowing multiple groups to play thru should signal to you, that you are a pace of play problem. When other groups are approaching your group from behind, please keep in mind the following things:
•When/where is a good time/place to let the group play thru? • Is there room to let them thru or is every hole occupied? • Do I need to pick up my pace?
Rules of letting groups play thru:
• Slower players allow faster players to play thru (Singles have no status on the golf course). • Signal the group your intent to allow them thru (wave your arms). • Continue to advance your position on the course as the group is playing thru (ex. if you were on the green, continue to putt while the group playing thru is driving to the green).
For additional info on pace of play and playing thru click here to watch a video.
From time to time, you may be approached by a Glenwild Staff Member to discuss your pace of play and how you can make improvements. Please understand that this is constructive criticism intended to help you and your pace of play. Playing at a reasonable pace is not a difficult task and does not require tremendous skill. It requires a few simple things: • Be ready to play when it is your turn. • Drive your cart partner to their ball, drop them off and proceed to your ball, you do not need to stay and wait for your cart partner to hit.
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