GGC Project Plan Information Booklet
GGC Project Plan Information Booklet - September 2024
Proposed Golf Course Project
Building on Our Legacy of Excellence
September 2024
The Glenwild golf course infrastructure has come to the end of its useful life and the membership must reinvest and replace the current irrigation system, bunkers and cart paths. The best courses continue to evolve in design and modernize, especially when replacing major components of their infrastructure. Our course improvements being proposed do not lengthen the overall project timeline of replacing our irrigation system, bunkers and cart paths. Glenwild is a special place, and we owe it to ourselves as a membership to consider potential improvements.
Introduction Infrastructure Needs Golf Course Plan
3 4 7 9
Project Team Project Timing
10 12 14 15 16 18 18 19 20
Optional Amenities Member Experience Project Cost Project Funding Voting
Next Steps In Gratitude Appendix
Only after the Board has the opportunity to review and analyze all member sentiment will a final plan be presented for a member vote, ideally in October 2024. A tremendous amount of time and effort has been dedicated to preparing this proposed Golf Course Project Plan as we believe it is critical for the continued success of Glenwild now and for years to come. We encourage you to review the information found herein, as well as the myriad of other communications posted on the member section of the website. Then we hope you will provide your feedback by participating in the survey that will be send in the coming days. Together, we will ensure that Glenwild continues to Build on our Legacy of Excellence and remains the first choice for private club membership in Utah.
As Glenwild approaches the quarter-century mark, we must be mindful that nurturing our premier status and member experience requires that we invest in our golf course through a deliberate plan that allows us to Build on Our Legacy of Excellence. We have not had to make major investments in our golf course since opening in 2001. However, we have reached the point where much of our irrigation system, bunkers and cart paths are failing and near the end of their useful life. The Board, working collaboratively with skilled professionals, has developed a Golf Course Project Plan that addresses our infrastructure needs, proposes golf course enhancements and two optional amenities, all designed to will elevate your Glenwild experience. Over the past six weeks, the Board has provided multiple sessions to present the Plan details and gain member input. The final step in this process is a member survey.
Our need to plan for infrastructure replacement is consistent with premier facilities across the United States. This is confirmed by GGA-provided information from golf course architects, irrigation/landscape firms and club executives in the Intermountain West region of the U.S. that indicated:
Bunker replacement projects, ranging from sand replacement to rebuilding drainage (interior to the bunker) averaged 8.2 years.
The average age of course irrigation systems at the time of replacement was 28.5 years.
American Society of Golf Course Architects Useful Life Estimates Infrastructure Element Useful Life* Glenwild Age in 2027 Greens** 15 - 30 27 Bunker Sand 5 - 7 11 Irrigation System 10 - 30 27 Irrigation Control System 10 - 15 27 Pump Station 15 - 20 5 Cart Path - asphalt 5 - 10 26 Teeing Areas 15 - 20 27 Bunker Drainage Pipes 5 - 10 27 *Useful life estimates also supported by the USGA, PGA, Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America and the Golf Course Builders Association. The red numbers in the chart below indicate Glenwild infrastructure elements that exceed the Useful Life Estimates.
**A Word About our Greens The chart above indicates our greens are near the end of their useful life. However, the fact members have always provided the necessary budget and time, along with crews who diligently care for them, is the reason a recent International Sports Turf Research Center (ISTRC) test indicated our greens are very healthy and should last for many years to come.
Over the past 12 months, the Board has worked with well-respected professionals proficient in golf course infrastructure and development to identify the required infrastructure needs that comprise the majority of work proposed in the Golf Course Project Plan. These topics include:
Bunker drainage no longer functions properly because of clogged pipes and wetter conditions due to atypical rain events and irrigation.
Failed bunker drainage lines cause the sand to become contaminated earlier than the standard 5-7 year replacement schedule.
This combined with the constant animal damage to the bunker liners and edges has resulted in the need to rebuild all of our bunkers.
THE FAILING IRRIGATION SYSTEM - 7 Irrigation Main Line Ruptures in 2023 & 2024
The constant water leaks do not allow our pump system to maintain the proper pressure and is diminishing the expected life of the $300,000 pump installed just 2 years ago. The obsolete satellite computer systems are routinely malfunctioning.
Our maintenance team is repairing leaks, heads and electronic failures in the system on a nearly daily basis. These failures impact our ability to maintain exceptional course conditions and our ability to provide a premier playing experience.
To date, the Club has been slurry-sealing the cart paths bi-annually, along with patching and/or replacing the most severely damaged areas. Moving forward, continuing to repair and replace our cart paths using the current method is both costly and inefficient. CONTINUED DETERIORATION OF CART PATHS
The poor condition and cracks in the cart paths result in our inability to divert water as needed. Additionally, during construction the cart paths will deteriorate further due to heavy equipment traveling across them while the irrigation system and bunkers are repaired.
Some of the more prevalent examples can be found on the following tee boxes: Blue Tees: 10, 12, 13, 14, 18 Ivory Tees: 11, 12, 14 The corners of the majority of the original tee boxes are shrinking in size, reducing the overall teeing area.
This results in more wear and tear on the smaller, usable teeing areas that causes turf health issues.
Existing tee boxes are also developing some premature crowning due to the smaller teeing areas.
Green Tees: 12, 13, 14 Yellow Tees: 11, 12, 16 Purple Tees: 3, 12, 16
Over the past three years, the Club has continued to spend increased time and money to repair our aging infrastructure, diverting resources from regular course maintenance. Over the next several years, if members do not support the proposed plan, the minimum mitigation required to maintain the existing irrigation system, bunkers and cart paths will require an investment of approximately $3.3 million.
To add new excitement to the Glenwild playing experience, and consistent with best practices for premier courses when replacing bunker and irrigation systems, the Golf Course Project Plan incorporates course enhancements that would be completed concurrent with the infrastructure work. While the proposed work would not commence until Fall 2026, in order to secure the best possible crew and pricing, we must commit to our projects 18-24 months in advance. THE GOLF COURSE PLAN
Replace the entire irrigation system including all pipes, wiring, connectors, valves, heads and system controllers. Rebuild the bunkers to install proper drainage and improve the liners using today’s state-of-the art materials. Reconstruct all cart paths with either asphalt or concrete. Level and resurface all existing tee boxes.
Adjusted bunkers to provide more play space and better angles for today’s player; give them the look and feel of a Fazio mountain course. Improved aesthetics and conditioning along with more pin placement through green adjustments. Reconfiguration of tee boxes to ensure distances, angles and carries provide improved playability, variety and equity from the tees. Reconfiguration/redesign of two holes to provide an exciting short par 3 and par 4 that would be consistent with those found on the best golf courses. Proper drainage throughout the golf course. A championship level course with more distance variety and teeing options.
Marty & Tim Visit About the Glenwild Golf Course Project Plan The conceptual golf course enhancements proposed for each hole can be found in the Appendix beginning on page 20..
The best private clubs operate with the mindset of not resting on their laurels. To remain the best, we must plan for continued improvement. Glenwild offers the best playing experience in Utah, but that does not mean it cannot be enhanced. Completing the proposed enhancements depicted in the Appendix concurrent with the installation of our required infrastructure updates is the most efficient and economical way to improve our playing experience. CONCEPTUAL GOLF COURSE ENHANCEMENTS
Playability & Agronomic Focus Improved bunker design for strategic shot value and matched aesthetics. Improved green complexes provide additional pin position locations. Removal of unnecessary turf areas to reduce water use. Adjust tee box positions to add variety and improve playability. Refine hole designs at #8 (par 3) and #10 (par 4) to elevate tee strategies and enjoyability values.
Tim Jackson & David Kahn worked for Tom Fazio & Fazio design; Tim for 10 years, David for 4 years. Jackson Kahn designed the current practice facility. Jackson will be hands-on and on-site regularly
Founder Brent Harvey is a Registered Landscape Architect who specializes in golf course irrigation system design. Brent designed the Club’s original system. The firm has history and experience working with mountain and desert courses. SAMPLE PROJECT LIST
throughout the project. SAMPLE PROJECT LIST (as JK & at Fazio Design)
Bel-Air Country Club Big Horn Golf Club Cypress Golf Club Desert Forest Golf Club Desert Highlands Golf Club La Quinta Resort & Club Montecito Country Club Nanea Golf Club Riviera Country Club Tradition Golf Club The Reserve Valley Club of Montecito Wasatch Peaks Whisper Rock Golf Club
The Alotian Club Big Cedar Lodge Chileno Bay Club Gozzer Ranch Kuki’o The Madison Club Mirabel Club Monterrey Peninsula Country Club Pronghorn Scottsdale National
Shadow Creek Shooting Star Vintage Club
Utah-based architectural firm specializing in architecture, interiors, landscape, programming and planning. Small firm which can provide personalized service more cost efficiently. The firm previously worked with Glenwild.
Garibaldi Resort Kimball on Main Kings Crown Triplex Sky Lodge on Main Star Hotel
University of Utah Utah Valley University Viridian Townhouses Zions Bank Financial Center
1. The need to address the infrastructure issues at Glenwild is driving the project timing. 2. Our advisors have strongly indicated that executing the project as 18 holes at once is the most prudent path to balancing quality, speed/experience and cost. 3. The infrastructure work is a 9 month project that will be completed over 15 months due to the seasonality of our Club. 4. Executing the golf course enhancements will not delay the course reopening.
REQUIRED INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS BUNKERS – rebuild from the bottom up It takes an average of 2 weeks to complete 4-5 bunkers depending on the size and surround tie ins. Our 67 bunkers will require 7-8 months to complete. IRRIGATION – complete replacement Irrigation replacement averages 1.5 – 2 weeks per hole requiring 7-9 months to complete. CART PATHS – reconstruction of all paths and bridges Paths and bridges will incur significant damage from heavy equipment during construction. Path crossing of the irrigation system requires 1.5 foot cuts for lateral lines every 60 feet and 4 foot cuts for every mainline crossing. All areas will need to be resurfaced. Cart path construction will begin 3 months into the process and require 6 months of construction time. GOLF COURSE ENHANCEMENTS TEE BOXES Resurfacing existing tee boxes and building of new tee boxes will be completed in conjunction with the flow of bunker and irrigation construction and will not add any time to the project. REDESIGN HOLES #8 & #10 Work will begin in the fall of 2026 with demolition of the affected areas commencing in September and the new greens constructed before the end of 2026. The new greens will be seeded in late April of 2027 as soon as weather allows and to open for play in 2028. EXPANSION OF GREENS ON #2, 4, 7, 11 & 18 The proposed green expansions will be completed in conjunction with the bunker and irrigation construction of the holes. Sod from holes #8 & 10 will be used on the expansion surfaces. If members approve completion of the project as 18 holes at once, post Labor Day 2026, 9 holes will close to begin construction. The Club would remain closed for the 2027 session to complete construction. The timing to complete each element of the Golf Course Master Plan is as follows: To determine the optimal timing to complete the Golf Course Master Plan, the Board researched and reviewed multiple options including completing 18 holes in one year, completing 9 holes over two years and a rolling replacement of three holes per year for six years. According to Brent Harvey, of the projects on which his firm works, the vast majority are completed as 18 holes at once. Research also found that leading contractors would not undertake irrigation replacement project on a rolling basis.
NOTE: The information detailed in the red box indicates the golf course enhancement work. This project will not delay completion of the required infrastructure work and the course reopening.
As stated previously, our advisors recommend completing the project as 18 holes at once. However, if it can be determined that there will be no major impact on the quality, speed/experience and cost, the Board will certainly consider completing the project as 9 holes over two segments. The anticipated impact includes: TWO-SEGMENT 9-HOLE PROJECT IMPACT
Hard cost estimated to increase approximately 30 - 35%. Operating subsidy doubles to $4M. A longer period of membership recruitment challenges. Increased employee costs:
In the event the same shapers are not available for both segments, the final product could produce inconsistent playing experiences on each 9 holes, even if we only did the necessary replacements. Playing conditions will vary due to the amount of time each 9 has matured. Potentially inconsistent bunker sand between both segments.
Substandard 9 holes in year one due to maintenance inefficiencies and capability challenges. No tournaments for 2 years. Impact on hosting guests. Limited parking and physical access to the clubhouse.
√ Key employee retention. √ Recruiting challenges. √ Caddy program impact.
Conceptual View of Optional Amenity - The Post
A Multi-Purpose Facility (approximately 2,000 s.f.)
Provides a new gathering option pre- and post round as well as additional seating for outdoor patio service. Serves as space to view sporting events during non-tournament times. Houses new digital scoreboard for event scoring.
Becomes the new location for golf simulators during the winter months (will be enclosed with 3 bays). The location will be determined based on optimizing views of holes 18, 16 and 10 along with ensuring it does not interfere with our patio views.
Conceptual View of Optional Amenity - The Post
Conceptual View of Optional Amenity On-Course Refreshment Station
Each station is approximately 200 s.f. New refreshment stations added near holes 6 and 13. Enclosed structures allow for unstaffed expansion of non-alcoholic complimentary product offerings for golfers. On-Course Refreshment Station
Construction of the optional amenities will not delay completion of the infrastructure work and the course reopening.
Conceptual View of Optional Amenity On-Course Refreshment Station
While the golf course is closed in the summer of 2027, Club leaders will make every effort to mitigate the impact on the member experience through the following potential efforts: MEMBER EXPERIENCE DURING CONSTRUCTION
Weekly Friday evening Par 3 tournaments at the practice facility followed by dinner. Full use of Practice Facility. Staff will arrange weekly tee times at public* area courses. Weekly golf clinics. Golf Shop open.
Potential Local Golf
Golf staff will organize U.S. and International golf trips throughout the season. Golf staff will organize trips for members who want to take their own private group.
Potential Golf Trips
Main dining room will be open Thursday – Sunday (winter hours). Spa will operate Thursday – Sunday (winter hours). Locker rooms open daily. Domestic & International Food & Beverage trips will be arranged by the Chef & Giro Messeri. Most social events will continue to be held, with the exception of the July 4th program.
Potential Other Facilities & Amenities
*Some members have asked about the availability of reciprocal agreements with area private clubs. We don’t think creating a reciprocal arrangement is the best approach for Glenwild as we would have to offer future reciprocal play in return.
The costs shown here are preliminary and based on a total of 325 golf equity members. The estimates are based on completing the Golf Course Master Plan (18 holes at once) and optional projects. PROJECT COSTS
Preliminary Estimated Cost $ 18,145,000
Preliminary Cost per Member
Proposed Project
Golf Course Plan including infrastructure needs and golf course improvements
$ 55,830
Additional operating subsidy due to reduced revenue
$ 2,000,000
$ 6,155
Subtotal Master Plan Preliminary Estimated Cost
$ 20,145,000
$ 61,985
The Post Multi-Use Facility
$ 1,264,000
$ 3,890
On-Course Refreshment Stations
$ 1,590
Grand Total Of All Proposed Projects $ 21,926,000
$ 67,465
Golf course improvements portion of Master Plan is $ 1,506,000 or $ 4,635 per Member
The breakout of individual elements of the Golf Course Plan are listed in the spreadsheet below.
Infrastructure Work REQUIRED
Golf Course Enhancements
Total Master Plan Estimated Cost
Golf Course Infrastructure/Enhancement Plan Project
Project Development Permitting
$ $ $ $
General Site Preparation
883,375 430,000 187,250
$ 50,500 $ 435,000
$ 934,875 $ 865,000 $ 187,250 $ 7,153,000 $ 277,300 $ 1,096,250 $ 129,900 $ 1,744,000 $ 175,000 $ 899,650 $ 114,000 $ 897,504 $ 15,026,899 $ 1,127,017 $ 16,153,916 $ 1,990,949 $ 18,144,865 $ 87,470 $ 320,700 $ 95,000
Earthwork & Shaping
$ $
- -
Irrigation System Replacement
$ 7,153,000
Greens Construction - Practice Green, #8, #10, Nursery
$ $
- -
$ 277,300 $ 87,470 $ 41,800 $ 75,000
Greens Expansion - Holes #2, #4, #7, #11, #18
Bunker Construction
$ 1,054,450
Tee Construction
Cart Path Construction
$ 1,744,000
$ $ $ $
- - -
Bridge Construction
$ $ $ $ $ $
320,700 175,000 898,150
Finish Grade
$ 114,000 $ 162,386
Design Fees
GGA Consulting/Communications Fees
Estimated Construction Total
$ 13,780,944 $ 1,033,646
$ 1,244,956 $ 93,372 $ 1,338,328 $ 167,302
Project Contingency Fee (7.5%)
Estimated Construction Budget in 2024 $ 14,814,590
Projected Cost Increase (4% per year)
$ 1,823,647
Estimated Construction Budget in 2027 $ 16,638,237 $ 1,505,630
The Board is considering a variety of payment methods designed to: Create a funding option that appeals to the widest range of active members: √ Considers members that are aging out of golf at Glenwild. √ Considers members that may have a difficult time from a cash flow perspective to make a lump sum up-front payment. Share the financial cost with new members that will have use of the improvements. Maintain financial stability. Provide an option that will generate the necessary amount of funds at appropriate times during project timeline. Ensure the final option is not overly complex and is easily managed by the Glenwild staff. Factoring Increased Attrition GGA has advised us to anticipate an attrition rate double our norm. Our base case assumption is that we will lose an additional 20 members in addition to our normal attrition as a result of this project. Our financial modeling is based on a total of 285 members reduced from our current total of 325. Normal dues will be charged in 2027. We are not anticipating additional routine repair & replace capital costs beyond any scheduled projects.
Proposed Funding Dates
August 31, 2025 Deadline for Non-Founder Golf Equity Members to submit their resignation notice, based on bylaw requirements, to avoid participating in the funding initiative.
August 31, 2026
November 1, 2026 All active, dues paying Golf Equity Members are required to contribute to the capital assessment or fee.
Deadline Golf Equity Members to submit their resignation notice, based on bylaw requirements, to avoid participating in the funding initiative. for Founder
Assessment Options PAYMENT OPTIONS
If we opted for permanent financing of $10 million with an interest rate of 6% over a ten year period the additional costs would be: Interest Cost Over Term of Loan. $3,322,000 increase in total Project Plan cost. $11,658 estimated additional cost per member. Member Cost Over Term of Loan $4,675 estimated annual expense per member added to annual dues. Assessment cost reduced to approximately $3 7 ,000. Includes the traditional assessment features shown above. Capital dues will increase in 2025 and 2026 to partially pre-fund the project cost. Balance of the per member assessment will be due in November 2026. Includes the traditional assessment features shown above. Refund schedule will be active for 5 years; amortized over 5 years. Participating members will be eligible for reimbursement based on the assessment refund schedule. Resigned members will be placed on the assessment refund list. Assessment refunds shall be payable with similar terms as the existing refund policies. Assessment will be calculated based on total costs/equity golf membership cap. As of the official assessment date, all active golf equity members will be required to pay the assessment amount. Cash reserves will be used to fund the difference between the total cost and the active member assessments collected.
Traditional Assessment
Assessment with Refund Rights
Partial PreFund & Assessment
Assessment + Debt Option
Debt to Fund a Portion of Cost
Our bylaws require a majority affirmative vote of Golf Equity Members for “Major Decisions” which these proposed plans are considered. Approval is obtained with support from 50% + 1 of Golf Equity Members. The survey results will be utilized by the Board in determining whether members will vote for the required infrastructure needs and the golf course enhancements separately, or as one project. The optional amenities will each be voted on separately.
To date, the Club and its consultants have conducted member information sessions, golf course tours, a webcast and town hall meeting. In the coming days, all members will be asked to participate in a survey related to these capital projects. Club leaders will prepare the final plan to present to members for a vote, ideally in October 2024. Please Be Informed All information related to the Golf Course Master Plan and related optional amenity projects are posted to the member section of the Glenwild website, including: PDF copy and video recording of member information session presentation.
PDF copy of the Golf Course Master Plan. Tim Jackson interview with Marty Bauer. Video recording of Jackson Kahn course tour. Video recording and presentation packet of member webcast. Video recording and presentation packet of the Annual Meeting/Town Hall.
Click To Access All Golf Course Master Plan Information
Should you have questions or comments, we encourage you to communicate directly with Chief Operating Officer/Director of Golf Marty Bauer.
Countless hours have gone into the development of the proposed Glenwild Golf Course Project Plan over the past 12 months from the members below who volunteered their time and expertise. We are grateful for their dedication and efforts to bring forth a plan designed to achieve the goal of Building on our Legacy of Excellence.
MANAGEMENT TEAM Marty Bauer, COO/Director of Golf Eric Feldhusen, Director of Agronomy Damon Rodgers, Director of Operations Kellie Bartz, Controller Mark Valenti, Head Golf Professional
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rick Boland Gary Dixon Jeff Flegel Lew Friedland Donna Joss Jeff Markowitz Rick Porter
Frank Puleo Jr. Scott Roberts
PAST BOARD MEMBERS INVOLVED Bob Call Kandace Dato Ron Hauben
Tim Jackson, Jackson/Kahn David Kahn, Jackson/Kahn Brent Harvey, Harvey Irrigation Pros Tricia Janes, Elliot Work Group Dallas Davis, Elliott Work Group Sid Ostergaard, Elliot Work Group Henry DeLozier, GGA Partners Linda Dillenbeck, GGA Partners Liz McDowell, GGA Partners Dr. Eric Brey, GGA Partners
Conceptual Golf Course Enhancements
#1 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 453 Yards
#2 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 470 Yards
#3 ◆ Par 5 ◆ 618 Yards
#4 ◆ Par 3 ◆ 237 Yards
#5 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 435 Yards
#6 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 502 Yards
#7 ◆ Par 5 ◆ 586 Yards
#8 ◆ Par 3 ◆ 170 Yards
#9 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 455 Yards
#10 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 317 Yards
#11 ◆ Par 3 ◆ 211 Yards
#12 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 375 Yards
#13 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 392 Yards
#14 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 467 Yards
#15 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 421 Yards
#16 ◆ Par 5 ◆ 633 Yards
#17 ◆ Par 3 ◆ 245 Yards
#18 ◆ Par 4 ◆ 519 Yards
Hole Par
1 4
2 4
3 5
4 3
5 4
6 4
7 5
8 3
9 4
3925 3839 3631 3352 3049 2532 7548 7398 6945 6387 5782 4707 71
449 470 618 240 435 502 586 170 455 449 470 618 229 435 474 539 170 455 436 446 581 201 399 453 530 159 426 358 421 560 178 367 418 498 146 406 329 385 548 170 309 344 476 135 353 300 288 497 147 234 299 454 105 208
317 214 3 317 214 3 310 189 3 301 169 3 291 136 3
1 2 3 4 5
8 3
9 4
In Total
3925 3839 3631 3352 3049 2532
70 455 70 455 59 426 46 406 35 353 05 208
317 214 375 411 467 442 633 245 519 3623 317 214 375 392 467 421 633 245 495 3559 310 189 355 353 445 393 605 208 456 3314 301 169 316 282 414 369 579 180 425 3035 291 136 307 258 332 310 549 162 388 2733
235 199 276 245 418 152 330 2175
Course slope and ratings are calculated using a variety of calculations. We will not know how the Utah Golf Association (representing the USGA locally) will rate the course after any adjustments are made as there are too many factors in the calculation. Length of the golf course is a major factor in all calculations. Glenwild forward of the existing Blue tee boxes will become shorter in length, which will in turn decrease the rating for this component. The two largest factors that inflate our rating are the severity of the green slopes and the native grass that surrounds all the holes on the golf course. According to the UGA our native grass is considered a 2-stroke penalty every time a ball enters this area of the golf course, the same penalty as a lost ball. Despite our best efforts to convince the UGA that this is not the case, they will not budge on their position causing our slope/rating to be artificially high.
Glenwild is currently ranked #168 on Golf Digest’s 100 Greatest, the Second 100 list and has been ranked #1 Best in Utah since we first became eligible for ranking in 2003. We are proud of our current ranking and would like to retain our status as the best golf course in Utah. Should we elect to complete the golf course enhancements we do anticipate improvement in all of the 8 different ranking criteria used by Golf Digest. We will improve our scores in the ranking system, but this does not guarantee we will improve in the overall ranking from Golf Digest. At no point was there an attempt to create a master plan to chase a ranking. We can only control what we do at our Club and will strive to be the best Glenwild we can be regardless of what other clubs are doing to improve their courses.
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