Glenwild Focus Group Recap
Next Steps in the Process
The topical guidance provided by the focus group participants was used to create the findings and observations that are described within this report. The objective of GGA is to use the crosssectional method of qualitative analysis to develop a subsequent quantitative analysis using the attitudinal survey of all members of Glenwild. The key takeaways herein will be used to aid in the content development of the survey which will be distributed to the Club’s members online in July. The survey invitation will be sent by GGA Partners to each Glenwild member whose email address is available through the Club. The survey responses will be confidential – Club leadership or management will have no ability to see the identity of any survey respondent. Any members wishing to complete a paper version of the survey will be able to obtain a hardcopy from the Club’s administrative office. A directed envelope will be provided so that each hardcopy reply will be delivered to the Phoenix office of GGA Partners and member responses will remain anonymous from Club leadership. GGA will prepare a comprehensive report of findings from the survey to help guide the strategic planning efforts of the Club.
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June 2020
Glenwild Golf Club – Focus Group Recap
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